James Chestnut

Dr. James L. Chestnut has been studying human wellness and prevention for over 25 years. He holds a Bachelor of Physical Education degree, a Master of Science degree in exercise physiology with a specialization in neurological adaptation, is a Doctor of Chiropractic, and holds a post-graduate Certification in Wellness Lifestyle. Dr. Chestnut is also the author of ‘The Wellness & Prevention Paradigm’, which is considered the gold standard evidence-based argument for lifestyle intervention. Dr. Chestnut lectures at venues worldwide including colleges and professional conferences regarding lifestyle as the evidence-based foundation of wellness and prevention and 21st Century healthcare reform.  Dr. Chestnut also holds an “O” visa from the United States which recognizes him as one of the world’s leading authorities on evidence-based lifestyle intervention for wellness and prevention. Dr. Chestnut’s efforts have touched many thousands within the natural healthcare community, and through this, millions of patients worldwide.