(2.24) Jason Deitch
/Dr. Jason is the co-author of the bestselling book: Discover Wellness, How Staying Healthy Can Make You Rich as well and founder of the Discover Wellness Center, an emerging leader in cutting edge wellness care. Combining the skills of a variety of health care professionals with the latest technology and revolutionary concepts, Dr. Deitch is redefining our approach to health care.
WellCall Inc. is the nation's leading wellness solutions provider to employers nationwide for over 10 years.
Dr. Jason consults with and speaks to groups of employers, insurance brokers, wellness professionals and to the public to inspire them to discover how wellness is the ultimate solution to America's health care crisis.
Dr. Jason believes that we live our lives based on what we feel and what we know. We can improve our lives when we either feel differently or learn something new. Dr. Jason is committed to seeing a healthier more powerful future, through healthier more powerful people. His enthusiasm and passion for constant growth and learning is contagious.
He has worked with: Melissa Ethridge, the B52's, Beck, Belinda Carlisle of the GoGo's, members of the Wallflowers, members of Tears for Fears, and local SF radio personality Sterling James.
In addition he has also been the backstage Chiropractor for the Dave
Matthews Band in Golden Gate park concert 9.12.04